Beautiful pics of Susan Ward and Sandra Lee feet & legs

Ward was born in MonroeLouisiana on April 151976. Monroe Christian School was her private Christian primary school. She attended Ouachita High School to complete her secondary studies. But, she transferred to River Oaks High School after the summer. Following her graduation, she went to Northeast Louisiana University. Ward quit school at thirteen and relocated in New York so that she was able to begin modeling. She decided to try acting in the following years. She was first cast uncredited in 1970s in the soap opera All My Children. Later she was a part of the NBC's prime-time drama for teens, Malibu Shores. The morning soap Sunset Beach cast Ward as the virgin Meg Cummings in late 1996. She began her quest for a movie career starring as the psychotic Brittany Foster in the erotic film The In Crowd. This movie, which was at first a failure financially in theaters, but later on video-on-demand (VOD) was able to become wildly popular. Ward made a cameo appearance for the film Shallow Hal - a smash hit - the following year. Ward has appeared in a several direct-to-DV films as well as appeared in several guest roles on a range of TV series. Particularly, Friends. In 2009she landed the role Chloe Kmet kothe mother of one of the gymnas in on the ABC Family Drama series Make It or Break It which was part of the cast in the show's first two seasons. She married David C. Robinson, a producer. The couple had a son named Cameron.

Sandra Lee, board certified dermatologist who is specialized in surgery for skin cancer and cosmetic surgery, has enjoyed enormous fame on social media. The videos she has made on the removal of cysts, blackheads and pimple popping are watched thousands of times. The popular name is Dr. Pimple Popper she has more than 13 million followers on their You Tube Instagram and Facebook accounts. The TLC television show Dr. Pimple Popper has featured her for all of the seasons. In addition she has launched her own brand of skincare products and has wrote a humorous guidebook on the care of your skin.

pics Susan Ward Feet and Legs pics Susan Ward Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Sandra Lee Feet and Legs pics Kathryn Tappen Feet and Legs pics Kathryn Tappen Feet and Legs pics Kathryn Tappen Feet and Legs


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